How to Create a Workout Plan for Couples
Do you ever glance at your current physique in the mirror and wonder what your significant other sees in you? Or, do you constantly hear your companion complaining about her figure (or lack thereof) or questioning you about yours? The answer to some of those body woes is simply getting up and doing something physical you both enjoy. The steps below can help you construct a workout plan that will help you and your mate get motivated and active, while enjoying one another at the same time.
- Sit down with your mate and figure out when a dual workout fits into both of your schedules. Sometimes agreeing on the workout time it is the most difficult part of the process.
- Write down your commitment on a calendar that both of you look at on a daily or weekly basis. Seeing your intentions in writing helps you follow through on them better.
- Decide on a plan that both of you can learn to enjoy. For example, choose something neutral if you both like to do opposite things (choose biking if you like to run and he likes to jump rope). Or, choose something neither of you have ever tried. That way, you are both learning something new together. Some ideas are partner yoga, spinning or even salsa dancing. Mix it up and get creative.
- Begin your quality time together. You will notice how much better you feel doing something good for your body with the one you love, rather than spending time sitting in front of the television. However, if you both need your daily intake of TV, you can also find many quality exercise videos on demand through your cable or satellite provider, at the local video store (many have free fitness sections) and at the nearby library. Learning new aerobics steps, kickboxing moves or even striptease dances may be the most fun you have all week.
- Remember to be each other's motivation. If one person is always helping the other one get inspired, there is less of a chance you will quit. Plus, the overall outcome will improve your self-esteem and confidence, as well as give you a whole new outlook about your partner.